Esseoquattro is a Best Performer 2024 company

“Enthusiasm, a positive outlook, the ability to spot opportunities even in difficult times, commitment, and passion. These have been Esseoquattro’s foundations for over 45 years and have supported, are supporting and will go on supporting the company enabling its growth and development. My sisters and I, along with our mother, are aware and proud of our foundations, yet to be recognized for them as well was truly an honor,” said Silvia Ortolani, Sales Director at Esseoquattro.

On Tuesday 9 April, Esseoquattro was awarded as one of the 100 best enterprises in the Cittadella area (in the Italian Veneto region) during the “Impresa Best Performer 2024” event, organized by Nem Group and ItalyPost.
The list of the “magnificent 100” is the result of extensive research in the area, which took into consideration objective indicators starting with, but not limited to, turnover. The event was also an important moment for reflection by the participating companies.
These are the companies that over time have contributed to generating the much celebrated “miracle of the north-east” and have found themselves facing major setbacks, most recently those due to geopolitical unrest, the energy crisis and climate change.

“The objective common to all entrepreneurs, of course, is to ‘keep growing,’ while protecting their company against a wide range of scenarios. We do it thanks to our suppliers, who we see as our true partners since we have been working with them for so many years, in many cases over thirty years. We do it thanks to the trust that our customers place in us – we are aware that it has to be earned day after day, so we are committed to ensuring that they never run out of supplies, even when it seems impossible to achieve this. And if we succeed, it is also thanks to the Rose Team, our staff, the people with whom we share our values and goals, challenges and, above all, successes!” concluded Silvia Ortolani.

Watch the video interview with Renata Chilò, mother of Silvia, Roberta, Mara, and Valeria and co-founder of Esseoquattro together with her husband Giuseppe Ortolani.