Eco Packaging System is the natural and recyclable packaging that preserves food freshness

Eco Packaging System originates from Esseoquattro’s green philosophy and is a declaration of commitment to consumers.
The aim is to reduce the impact of packaging on the environment, increasing its recyclability, while maintaining its excellent freshness-preserving properties.
With this in mind, our R&D department is constantly working to improve all products, modifying base papers, inks and ink coverage.

1 system, 4 advantages:

1. It preserves the freshness of food
2. It is recyclable and reusable
3. It reduces the number of freight vehicles in circulation and the waste to dispose of
4. It’s practical and multipurpose

Eco Packaging System currently consists of 2 items:

  • Be Green Ideabrill wrapping paper
  • Be Green Ideabrill bag

What are consumers looking for?

Consumer sensibilities have evolved: today the demand is for sustainable packaging that can also preserve freshness and is convenient for day-to-day use.

From 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely), how important is it to you that the packaging used for deli products is recyclable?

More than 75% of consumers thinks it’s important for deli product packaging to be recyclable.

How important is it to you that food packaging can preserve freshness?

More than 81% want food packaging to preserve freshness.

Would you be willing to pay more for these products if their packaging kept them fresher?

More than 60% would be willing to pay more for this feature.*

*SOURCE: Neurexplore 2020

Eco Packaging System preserves freshness

schema spreco alimentare

Domestic food waste accounted for 4/5 of total food waste in Italy and was worth 11.8 billion euros*.
The monthly food waste of each household weighs 2.4 kg**.

* Department of Agricultural and Food Science and Technology, University of Bologna, 2019
** Waste Watcher 2019 Report by Last Minute Market/Swg

grafico shelf life

Eco Packaging system is a fresh-preserving solution to keep fresh food for longer than with traditional packaging.

Eco Packaging System and the environment

Be Green Ideabrill wrapping paper and bag are  PEFC certified (PEFC/18-31-452).

The basic components of Be Green Ideabrill, paper and treated film, can be easily separated so that both can be recycled.

Eco Packaging System Plus can effectively replace plastic, polystyrene and paper trays (except for liquids), with significant space savings.

With Be Green Ideabrill you can keep your food for longer:

This translates into mefewer freight vehicles in circulation and less waste to be managed.

The first form of recycling is to reuse packaging several times even for different purposes: Eco Packaging System is multipurpose and reusable.

With Be Green Ideabrill you can keep your food for longer:

Stampe disponibili

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